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My unsorted and unsolicited thoughts on Rust for game development

So I am making a video game. With Rust. Unlike many folks, I am not using an existing game engine. This is because I've seen game engines come and go. Piston, ggez, Amethyst-chan, it's been so long, you should write sometime! These days bevy is all the rage, but who knows what's going to happen tomorrow? I also like to learn by building things, and to organize the codebase myself, so this just wouldn't work. It's not the engines, it's me.

It will very soon be two years since I started. As time went on, I wrote down little notes about what I liked and what I didn't' about Rust for game (and game engine) development. I am going to talk about some of those points here. While the rest of the post might seem overly negative, it is actually written from a position of love and intimate knowledge of a long-term partner. I have been programming with Rust since pre-1.0. There's going to be things I don't like about the language, but I know these imperfections precisely because we have been together for so long!

The overall theme is that me and Rust are not so madly in love anymore, and that, day by day, we share less and less of our values. In fact, we might be having a crisis. The more experienced in writing programs I become, the more it annoys me that Rust doesn't trust the programmer to do the correct thing in low-level code. It is great when I am in "scripting mode", doing features the first way that comes to mind, but hand-optimizing memory layout is way harder than I'd like, especially if you do so after the fact. Rust prefers being fast by virtue of a very smart compiler and very complicated standard library first, and only then by giving the programmer control over performance. While control is possible, this is not always the default, and sometimes requires #![no_std] and the nightly compiler.

The List

Here's my unpolished list of both the good and the bad. Note that there are a ton of things other people have written about, so instead I'd like to focus on the stuff I encountered myself:

  • #![no_std] is not a first-class citizen in the Rustverse. Libraries that could have been no_std are not, and I had to reimplement a lot of functionality just so it would work on no_std. At the moment, I have my own serialization library instead of serde, my own immediate mode GUI library instead of egui, and I expect to end up with my own collections before I am done. On the other hand, having less external dependencies is good, so maybe I'd have reimplemented subsets those crates anyway.
  • Overreliance on alloc::alloc::Global, both in the standard library and in 3rd party crates. This, of course, is both an historical artifact and Rust's philosophy of being a better C++, instead of a better C. #![feature(allocator_api)] let's you use existing collections you've learned to love with bump allocators and arenas, but it is still nightly-only, and it looks like it is going to be a very long time before it gets finished and stabilized. Even when it stabilizes, it won't be the default for the majority of people writing Rust.
  • I wish #[repr(C)], initialized struct padding and safe transmuting to bytes were the default, and that there was an explicit opt-out with #[repr(Optimized)], or something. Of course, this is completely at odds with Rust's way of doing things, like niche optimization, enum discriminant elision, #[rustc_layout_scalar_valid_range_{start,end}], etc. However, the modern C replacement languages (JAI, Zig, maybe Odin?) actually have this, and it is very helpful for code terseness. Games like to a lot of bytecasting, and the amount of code one needs to write for this to work in Rust is daunting, although proc macros help.
  • On that note, proc macros are great! They are a pain to write, but enable building a lot of the game engine support systems quickly. I really like JAI's metaprogramming, and hear great things about Zig's comptime, but Rust's proc macros do the job.
  • Related, the bytemuck crate, and its derive proc macros is the greatest Rust crate ever created! Full stop.
  • Enums are very useful, but there is such a thing as being too typesafe. During development I learned to use enums more sparingly. They are great for organizing data, but piling everything into the same struct when building game logic ended up being a breath of fresh air, as hundreds of lines of pattern-matching from serialization, gameplay code, UI code, and other places disappeared. Also, enums are very difficult to bytecast correctly (unused discriminant bytes are uninitialized and therefore UB to read), which I learned only after they had their tendrils spread throughout the codebase.
  • More on the topic of transmutes, core::time::Duration can't be bytecast and has 4 bytes of padding?! Is the niche optimization really worth it?
  • The arrayvec crate is awesome! The tinyvec crate is also great, but the T: Default bound is not so great. I am also missing a bytecastable arrayvec... is this a theme?
  • The wgpu crate provides a super simple, high-level graphics API for Rust since 2019 (or perhaps late 2018?). While the spec and API changes frequently, and the library is quite wasteful both in terms of runtime performance and compile time bloat, it gave me such a boost in the early stages of development that I feel bad for even mentioning the downsides.
  • The winit crate has a very similar value proposition to wgpu. Don't have too specific requirements for your platform layer, and want to get started quickly? Winit's your crate!


I am not going to rewrite the game in another language, because I'd like to ship it this century, but I do feel the temptation. If I were starting today, I am not so sure I'd have picked Rust.

But since I am sticking with it, I might as well make my time more enjoyable. The more the engine matures, the less of Rust's Standard library (or any 3rd party library, really) I use, and the more the code I write looks like C, with less traits, less virtual calls, and less enums with a large number of variants. And the more that happens, the more I enjoy working on the game's code!

Happy coding!

A game?